The ‘Real Apple Store’ has 1000 British Apple Varieties on Display

Celebrating the “Apple Day”, London’s Borough Market has opened “The Real Apple Store” to showcase over 1,000 British apple varieties, including some of the oldest, tastiest and rarest apple’s in the country. Although, there will be no next-gen Apple’s in display at this store.


A Dress Made Out of iPhones

The latest fashion piece designed by Elie Tahari will be perfect for the craziest Apple fan, because this dress is covered with more than a dozen iPhones. Sure, it may seem like a fish net covered with a bunch of smartphones, but hey, it’s Apple iPhones. Who wouldn’t but that, right?


Coolest iPhone Cases For Geeks

People used to laugh at and make fun of geeks and nerds. But, not anymore. “Geek is the new sexy” these days and everyone’s even trying to pretend to be one. But, it wont matter if you’re fake or a real geek because you can look awesome anyway by styling your iPhone with any of these cool cases.

Check out more awesome cases at